Cosmos Pk

Sedex Certification In Pakistan

From Smeta Audit to Sedex Certification: Our Sedex Smeta Pros Assist You Right

Sedex Smeta 2 Pillar VS 4 Pillar Audit

Sedex Smeta certification

Introduction to Sedex Certification

SEDEX” stands for Supplier Ethical Data Exchange and SMETA stands for Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit. At Cosmos, we specialize in providing comprehensive Sedex certification services in Pakistan that empower businesses to thrive in today’s conscientious marketplace. Sedex Smeta certification is the hallmark of responsible and ethical business practices, and we are here to guide you through the Smeta Audit process seamlessly.


Ideal for organizations seeking a focused sustainability evaluation. Covers Labor Standards and Health & Safety pillars. Faster and cost-effective option. Suitable for businesses looking to initiate their sustainability journey.


Comprehensive evaluation covering Labor Standards, Health & Safety, Environment, and Business Ethics. Suitable for organizations committed to a holistic sustainability approach. Provides a more detailed view of your sustainability performance.



Focuses on four critical pillars

Male and female worker working in warehouse.

Labor Standards

 - Fair wages  - Employee rights  - Equal opportunities

environmental audit in a factory


- Sustainable practices    - Environmental impact assessment    - Compliance with environmental laws

health and safety training sedex

Health and Safety

Workplace safety  - Occupational health   - Compliance with safety regulations

Business Ethics in suuply chain

Business Ethics

 - Ethical business conduct    - Anti-corruption measures    - Transparency and integrity

How to Become Sedex Certified- Step by Step Sedex Certification Process

1- Sedex Membership


  •  Evaluate your business practices against the Sedex 4 pillar or 2 pillar.

3-Auditor Selection

  • Choose accredited Sedex auditing company with industry expertise
Sedex certification process

4-Audit Conduct

  • Rigorous assessment against Sedex Smeta standards.

5-Corrective Actions

  • Develop and implement action plans for non-conformities highlighted in Sedex audit report.


  • Detailed report highlighting compliance Achieve Sedex certification upon meeting the Sedex standards on compliance

Start Your Sedex Certification Journey Today!

Navigate the process effortlessly with Cosmos Pakistan – Our trusted experts in facilitating Sedex certification & Smeta audit presentations for responsible business conduct.


Uncover answers to frequently asked questions about Sedex Smeta certification. Our FAQ section provides insights and guidance to help you navigate the Smeta certification journey smoothly and confidently.

Sedex, or the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange, is a global platform dedicated to promoting ethical and responsible business practices in supply chains. By becoming a member and pursuing Sedex certificate, your organization can enhance supply chain transparency, improve its reputation, and align with ethical sourcing standards.

Smeta certification involves a thorough Sedex audit process covering labor standards, health and safety, environmental impact, and business ethics. It’s a voluntary but highly regarded certification that demonstrates your commitment to responsible sourcing. Pursuing Sedex certificate can help your organization stand out as a responsible and ethical business.

 Sedex certificate is suitable for a wide range of industries and organizations looking to demonstrate responsible sourcing practices. It’s adaptable to various supply chain structures and is not limited to specific sectors.

 Sedex Smeta offers several advantages, including improved risk management, better supplier relationships, and access to new markets. It also aligns your organization with industry best practices and helps build trust with stakeholders.

– The timeframe and cost of Sedex audit & certification can vary depending on factors such as the size and complexity of your organization and the scope of the audit. It’s recommended to contact us directly for a personalized assessment of your needs.

Becoming Sedex certified is entirely voluntary, but many organizations choose to pursue it as a way to demonstrate their commitment to ethical and responsible supply chain practices.

The timeframe varies but typically takes a few months, depending on the audit process and corrective actions required.

 – Yes, Sedex and the Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) are widely recognized and respected globally as tools for assessing and improving ethical and responsible business practices.

– You can easily locate Sedex-approved auditors and audit firms through the Sedex platform’s directory, ensuring you work with accredited professionals.

Yes, Sedex Smeta certification is applicable to a wide range of industries seeking responsible sourcing practices.

 – At CosmosPk, we bring a wealth of expertise and a personalized touch to Smeta certification. Our commitment to ethical sourcing and sustainability excellence ensures that your journey toward becoming Sedex certified is seamless and impactful.

We cater to a diverse range of industries, making Sedex certificate accessible to businesses across sectors. Whether you’re in manufacturing, retail, or any other field, our services can be tailored to your unique needs.

 – Absolutely. We’re more than just certification experts. Our team offers comprehensive sustainability consulting and guidance to help your organization thrive in an increasingly responsible and ethical business landscape.

The duration can vary based on the complexity of your operations, but we prioritize efficiency. We work closely with you to streamline the process, aiming for timely certification recognition.

Typically, Sedex certificate is valid for one to three years. To maintain certification, we recommend periodic audits and continuous improvements in sustainability practices.

Our certification services enhance your supply chain transparency by helping you identify risks, track performance, and ensure responsible sourcing p

Contact us today, and our dedicated team will guide you through the initial steps to embark on your journey to become Sedex certified. We’re here to help you achieve ethical excellence.


SEDEX is the overarching platform that hosts ethical data and facilitates information exchange among companies, while SMETA is an auditing methodology employed by SEDEX members to conduct ethical trade assessments and audits within their supply chains. SMETA audits are often conducted and reported through the SEDEX platform.